Friday, July 8, 2011

Thousands Petition Black Eyed Peas To End Chimpanzee Abuse.

Over 10,000 people are calling on the Black Eyed Peas to end their support for a Spanish television show show that animal rights activists say abuses a chimpanzee.

Thousands of animal lovers signed a petition which was started by FAADA, an animal protection group based in Spain.

The group is accusing Spanish TV show Involución of animal abuse for exploiting a chimpanzee named “Darwin,” who acts out competitions with contestants on the show.

The petition, which can be found on, is being circulated internationally and is calling on the Black Eyed Peas to end their sponsorship of the show, since they are longtime supporters of PETA.

According to the petition, the chimpanzee is forced to perform through unnatural and abusive training methods.

“Chimpanzees used in the entertainment industry lead miserable lives,” said Stephanie Feldstein, Animals Editor for “Fundación FAADA is giving Noah and other exploited chimpanzees like him a voice. Thousands of activists have joined them in asking the Black Eyed Peas to use their celebrity to help stop chimpanzee suffering.”

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